Here’s Your Invitation to join WDJS: Marketing Fund 2024 / This Fund rewards you, unites Christians & Helps the Lost
July 25, 2024
Welcome to WDJS: Marketing Fund 2024
This is a special GoFund ‘type’ project dedicated to uniting Christians worldwide and Helping the Lost too, however this Marketing Fund is designed to return your investment plus 3x more.
* We’re seeking to raise $25- 50,000 in 2 stages, to release our One of a Kind Book Online. * Investment: Min $500 -to- Max. $5,000
* We presently have 2,000 Books in stock with a retail value of $30,000 and the ability to download thousands of WDJS eBook and Audio Books online, overnight.
This short Video Message from the Author: Rev. Terry Allan Christian, will help explain our Marketing Fund 2024: concept and more.
* IF IT SOUNDS too good to be true, maybe Gods involved.
Pray for wisdom and understanding, then continue reading ….
Jesus Said: Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20
The 2 types of Christians / Believers, we’re looking for are:
#1– Those who believe the Words from Jesus are more important than the words about Jesus,
#2– Those who need a special financial return to restore their dream, or make up for losses or add to what they already have, to better help others.
This Marketing Fund will sponsor the Marketing & Messaging of our Book: What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master and it will also launch our one of a kind, Podcast: (WWTM) WalkingWithThe Master (based on WDJS)
We believe, WDJS: Marketing Fund: 2024, is the best way, each of us, together, can help the world and improve our lives too.
WDJS: MF: 2024
Business Overview
We encourage you to closely read this Business Overview outlining our WDJS Internet Book Release and the opportunity to partner with those who are ‘like-minded’ and prayerful.
Stage #1- Our goal is to raise $25-50,000. These funds will be used for Messaging and Marketing and this Marketing Fund will be receiving ongoing ‘compensation’ on each product sold until everyone in the Fund has received back their original investment (plus) 3 times more, from all our WDJS Products sold.
*All partners are assigned a (PPA) Product Performance Agreement, outlining their return of principal (plus) 3 times more based on all WDJS Product Sales. * No time limitations: This Marketing Fund stays open until everyone has received all their rewards.
WDJS finally answers WWJD
During the last century, there’s been 100’s of millions of Christians who have seen the initials WWJD and know it stands for “What Would Jesus Do”, however very few know where the first book came from that gave us the ‘first’ thought WWJD.
Here’s the Story: In 1896, for his Sunday night services, Charles Sheldon thought he would write a story, which would continue one chapter a week, about various persons who applied “What Would Jesus Do?” to their lives. Sheldon was soon preaching to a packed crowd and his messages were organized and released in a book.
In His Steps became a best-selling religious fiction novel written by Charles Monroe Sheldon. First published in 1896, the book has since sold more than 50,000,000 copies, and ranks as one of the best-selling books of all time.
We believe, WDJS will have the same impact as WWJD, because we’re answering the 100yr old question- What Would Jesus Do “with our book” What Did Jesus Say. hence … WDJS -finally answers- WWJD
WHY, is this book called, a ‘one of a kind’ ?
This Book wasn’t written, it was composed by the Author with the guidance of the Holy Spirit using only the Words spoken by JESUS to those who loved and followed HIM as recorded in the KJB. It contains over 500 Scriptures spoken directly by JESUS ‘without’ any added opinions or comments from the Author. Its formatted into Seven Messages, and at the bottom of each page is the ‘scripture location’ for further Bible study. ** Its written in an easy to read Large Print Size.
What Did Jesus Say: The Seven Messages from the Master, is dedicated to everyone who wants to walk with Jesus, feel HIS presence, hear HIS words and understand HIS teachings.
WDJS: is now available in Paperback, and downloadable in, ePub or Kindle -plus- 2 different Audio-Book versions on our website at: https://whatdidjesussay.world
THE BEST WAY to measure a book is by the reviews from the readers. Here’s just a few of our many comments from 10 different countries including two from the Christian Book Industry.
Here’s Two Professional Industry Comments:
* I get 1000’s of books sent to me each year and we do 3 live book interviews Monday thru Friday, over 700 a year and I can say this book is ‘different’. This book is an extraordinary simple approach to an extraordinary complex topic, and establishes clearly, that Jesus is the Messiah: Igniting A Nation
* This book is unique. NEVER BEFORE, has a book been compiled, giving the words of Jesus as He spoke in the Bible. -Presented as a full color and beautifully illustrated e-book or paperback version with large, easy to read text, this book makes a perfect gift for anyone wanting to know Jesus and what He said. Its nothing short of phenomenal and will impact your life as you become more like Jesus. Kingdom Expansion
Here are 10 Comments from readers worldwide:
*I’ve read the Bible in a year, studied the New Testament and even Revelations in a small group, but What Did Jesus Say helped me understand what having a personal relationship with Jesus truly means. USA
*This book is the pure word of God without additions. In this book, we learn how to build life on the right foundations. I wish the knowledge in this book would be written in the hearts of everyone in this world. Slovenia
*This wonderful book is really inspiring and touches the soul of the one who reads it. These Seven Messages contained in this wonderful book are the Lords sayings for the salvation of mankind. Pakistan
*My life is changing at the impact of the What Did Jesus Say- book. Zimbabwe
*I was raised in one of the ‘major’ religious groups and it really surprised me to read Terry’s book and discover how much I REALLY DIDN’T KNOW about Jesus. This book has been such a help going through the scriptures now. Canada
*The WDJS Book is beautiful and its full of God’s words…impacting on the reader in a very spiritual way. Ireland
*I loved your book, thank you so much. May God blessed and keep you always. New Zealand
*I can’t thank you enough for this book. Now I can say, by reading WDJS, I am walking in truth and I don’t feel alone. Praise God. U.K
*I am fortunate to have read the PDF of this book, and the layout and the pictures are outstanding. This book was profound and anointed. Australia
*This book changed my life and brought me closer to GOD. Jamaica
The Online Book Industry
HOW BIG is the online book industry? More books are sold online than any other product and the number is increasing, research suggests. Polling company, Nielsen Online surveyed 26,312 people in 48 countries and 41% of internet users bought books online. That’s about 875 million active shoppers worldwide.
There’s over 200 million Christians in the United States and over 2 billion worldwide, (assessable thru the internet) that generates more than $4 billion in business annually.
*Special Note: The Covid experience, changed the way millions of Christians use their internet worldwide. Our Shopify website was designed so people outside of USA can use their own currency to purchase all our WDJS Products.
Our Marketing Plan:
Success leaves clues
We’re using a successful marketing model from a book called The Shack because their marketing approach best reflects the uniqueness of our WDJS Book, including the WDJS products we have in production.
The Shack
Here’s their story:
The Shack was self-published and went largely unnoticed after its initial publication. They had no success with either religious or secular publishers, so they formed Windblown Media for the purpose of publishing and marketing their book. Once they started direct marketing, their book sold over 1 million copies in one year and 2 years later they were awarded the “Diamond Award” for selling over 10 million copies.
Their success was the result of a ‘word-of-mouth, and Christian-themed radio, websites, and blogs. *Their total book sales now exceed 20 million copies.
Our book: What Did Jesus Say has received ‘testimonies’ worldwide and we’re now building a ‘marketing platform’ from those testimonies, while posting our WDJS blog stories through our Digital Marketing Team, supported by our PR Firm now handling all our Interview Bookings.
For the Record: We’re expecting our sales to be bigger than The Shack because our audience is ‘bigger’ and our book is also considered a ‘Teaching Devotional’ without the added opinions that often divides Christians.
WDJS: Social Media Formats
*Rev. Terry Allan Christian and WDJS (both) have active accounts on many different Social Media formats and we’ll be using all formats, unifying our video messages from WDJS to our daily Podcast: WalkingWithJesus, based on our book: WDJS;
We use: Skype, Zoom, FaceTime & WhatsApp; to connect Rev. Terry Allan Christian to live Radio & TV interviews, as well as counseling and teaching to Churches and Individuals worldwide online, on a real-time basis.
Our Marketing Fund:
WDJS: Marketing Fund: 2024, was created so Christians / Believers who have $500 or more can participate with us, allowing each of us, to help all of us and share in the rewards too. *The minimum amount is $500 and maximum $5,000 and returns the original investment plus 3x more.
Examples: $500 returns $2000 / $2500 returns $10,000 / $5,000 returns $20,000 ** Estimated time for full payout is 12 -18 months
This Fund is Performance Based. * As each WDJS Package or individual product sells, the Marketing Fund receives ‘shared profits’, paid out to each partner on a monthly basis. The faster our products sell, the faster the profits are shared, the sooner the Fund is completed.
Every WDJS Author and eSpecial Package sold online pays $3.00 (each) back to the Book Fund until all participants receive their investment return, then it pays $2.00 per unit sales until 3x more is received.
*Each participant receives an assigned (PPA) Product Performance Agreement showing their participation (plus) expected returns.
*After everyone has received back their money (plus 3x) the Book Fund closes and all proceeds go to our Online Ministry Program called: Project H-E-L-P – Helping Everyone Live Peacefully and Productively.
Special Addition: As stated in our first video, we’ve made 2 previous attempts to launch our book. Here are 2 Video Commercials previously made we couldn’t use and are now being updating with our book website address for our Marketing Campaign.
No one succeeds alone,
It takes faith, and team effort
A Personal Message
from the Author:
I want to thank you for taking the time to read our Business Overview and I trust you can see how unique our ‘one of a kind’ book is.
This 3min. video message will help you see the type of man I am and it’ll help you decide if you want to join with me in this journey.
Here’s My: Personal Testimony
In Closing, let me say:
Wherever you are in the world, it doesn’t matter to God what Country we live in, what matters to God, is how we live in that Country.
I’ve learned, WITH GOD, all things are possible, all the time, wherever we live, when we pray, believing ….
In His Love, I serve
To email the Author: Terry@RevChristian.com
To talk with the Author please email phone number and best time to call.
IF YOU WANT to participate with us, simply send in your investment thru our WDJS PayPal account and we will send you a (PPA) Product Performance Agreement assigned to you.
Click Here to use PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/WDJSBOOKS
To Use Zelle Bank Transfer email: Terry@RevChristian.com
Click Below to preview our book website, and please use the free code: JesusSaid – and our WDJS: eSpecial will download for free. https://whatdidjesussay.world/